(A)   Prior to the issuance of any local business tax receipt, a written application signed by an officer or owner of the business shall be filed with the Director of Financial Services or his or her designee. In such application, the business shall set forth the name and address of the owner; if a partnership or firm, the names and addresses of all members of the firm or partnership; if a corporation, the names and addresses of all officers of the corporation. Said application shall contain the exact location of the business, the full nature of the business, the name and address of at least one emergency contact and such other pertinent information as may be required. The application filed by each business categorized under "lodging" or "commercial rental properties" under § 110.50(A) below shall designate at least one emergency contact with a physical address located in the city. In addition to the physical address, the application shall include an e-mail address, telephone number and cellular telephone number for the individual designated as the emergency contact. In the event of a change in the emergency contact information during the local business tax year, the business shall have a continuing obligation promptly to provide the updated information in writing to the Director of Financial Services or his or her designee.
   (B)   All local business tax receipts shall be applied for and issued in the real name of the applicant. If the applicant does or will do business under a fictitious, trade or firm name, the application and the local business tax receipt, if issued, shall show the real name as well as the fictitious, trade or firm name of the applicant. No local business tax receipt shall be issued showing a fictitious name until the applicant has provided proof of fictitious name registration pursuant to F.S. §865.09 or a written statement signed by the applicant stating the reason the business need not comply with the fictitious name registration requirements.
   (C)   Every local business tax receipt shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the place of business for which it is issued and the holder of such local business tax receipt shall exhibit same to the city license inspector or any police officer upon being requested to do so.
(Ord. O-95-44, passed 7-26-95; Am. Ord. O-2007-07, passed 4-18-07; Am. Ord. O-2009-10, passed 5-6-09)