(A)   No person shall utilize any facilities owned by the city for the purpose of storing, docking or operating any vessel for private and/or pleasure purposes without first applying for and entering into a dockage agreement with the city upon the form approved by the City Commission.
   (B)   Acceptance of any application for dockage is conditioned upon the vessel's being equipped with a working Coast Guard-approved marine sanitation device and it being capable of navigation under its own power.
   (C)   The City Administration is authorized to enter into dockage agreements on behalf of the City Commission and to administer and enforce their terms.
('72 Code, § 9-70) (Ord. 1326, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-69-186, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-83-69, passed 11-16-83) Penalty, see § 98.999