(A) The charges and surcharges or rates for special private fire service protection based upon the size of the connection with the city’s distribution system thereof shall be established by resolution of the City Commission.
Services outside the corporate limits of Hollywood shall be surcharged 25% above the then existing charges in accordance with F.S. Ch. 180.191(1)(a).
(B) The property owner shall be responsible for installation up to the approved water source, and installation and maintenance of the fire line on owner's property shall be subject to inspection by the city. The property owner shall incur all costs related to installation of said fire line, including repair of sidewalks, streets, driveways, swale areas and the like. Owner/contractor shall abide by requirements and specifications set forth by the city. Such contract shall contain the following conditions:
(1) Use for fire purposes only. This connection is to be used for fire purposes only and is to have no connection whatsoever with any taps that may be used for other than fire purposes. And because of the danger of pollution shall have no connection with any other source of supply with the exception in case a tank or fire pump is installed as secondary supply. There shall be a double detector check assembly installed in each city connection to prevent the water from these secondary supplies running back into the city mains.
(2) Tests. The owner shall not draw any water whatever through this connection for any purpose except the extinguishment of fires, or for periodic tests of the fire system, which tests shall be conducted and results submitted to the Building Division. Such tests shall be conducted after initial installation, then annually thereafter, also after repairs on fire line installations performed or when deemed necessary by Building Division.
(3) Equipment inspection. Any authorized representative of the city shall have free access to the building at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting any of the equipment.
(4) Double detector check. At the time of installation of the fire line, a double detector check shall be installed by the property owner at the location designated by the city. Said double detector check shall be satisfactory to the insurance companies, and also to the city; said double detector check shall be fitted with a by-pass, on which shall be set a meter, the purpose of which shall be to indicate whether or not water is being used through this connection and for the further purpose of showing any leakage, if same exists.
(5) Violations. Violation by the owner of any of the regulations in this section shall terminate conditions as set forth in division (B)(1), (2), (3) and (4) hereof, and because of such violation, the city shall disconnect said pipe or pipes, or stop the flow of water through the same. Further, said owner may be subject to any other penalties and fines specified in § 51.999 of this chapter.
(6) Repair. The right is reserved by the city to shut off the supply at any time in case of accident, or to make alterations, extensions, connections or repairs and if possible the city agrees to give due and ample notice of such shut-off.
(7) Pressure not guaranteed. The Public Utilities Department shall not make any guarantee as to a certain pressure in this pipe or in the main supplying the same, and shall not be, under any circumstances, held liable for loss or damage to the owner for a deficiency or failure in the supply of water, whether occasioned by shutting off of water in case of accident or alterations, extensions, connections or repairs, or for any cause whatsoever.
(8) Resealing valves and connections. When fire line valves or connections are used in case of fire or for any other reason whatsoever, the owner shall immediately notify the Public Utilities Department and the Department shall forthwith reseal the used valves or connections.
(9) Property owners with private fire service lines located outside the corporate limits of Hollywood shall comply in all respects with the requirements in this chapter.
(‘72 Code, § 36-13) (Ord. 205, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-84-36, passed 9-5-84; Am. Ord. O-89-49, passed 8-9-89; Am. Ord. O-90-33, passed 9-5-90; Am. Ord. O-91-42, passed 7-17-91; Am. Ord. O-94-44, passed 9-21-94; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4-05; Am. Ord. O-2014-15, passed 7-16-14)