The Public Utilities Department in every instance reserves the right, at its option, to designate and prescribe the size of a service connection, either upon original installation of a new connection and in any case, where a size of service other than that applied for by the owner, or previously existing, is so designated and prescribed by the Department, the owner shall be bound thereby.
('72 Code, § 36-27) (Ord. 205, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4-05 )
In case the service supplying a house or building is found not to be large enough due to additions to the building or an increase in the number of fixtures, the Public Utilities Department will make the larger tap and install the larger service upon the payment of the tapping charge for the size of the new service. No credit will be given for the service already in place that is found to be insufficient in size.
('72 Code, § 36-25) (Ord. 205, passed - -; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4-05)
The owner shall be required to place a control valve on the service between the building and the meter box so the supply may be turned off by the owner in case of a break or repairs being made in the building.
(‘72 Code, § 36-26) (Ord. 205, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4-05 ) Penalty, see § 51.999