(A)   There shall be created in the City Treasury a fund to be known as the Permanent Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund.
   (B)   The City Commission shall have authority to classify and define an emergency or disaster; and such classification or definition shall not be dependent upon, affected or modified by state law.
   (C)   The Commission shall from time to time appropriate to the Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund sums totaling not less than $100,000 nor more than $250,000 as determined by ordinance passed and adopted by the Commission for any emergency or disaster.
   (D)   No later then September 30, 2002, there shall be transferred from the Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund to the General Fund the sum of $2,200,000. Except as otherwise provided in this division, moneys in the Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund shall be expended only for relief and reparation due to serious or unforeseen disaster, such as but not limited to devastating hurricanes, bombardments, extensive fires, floods or famine.
('72 Code, § 11½-11) (Am. Ord. O-2002-32, passed 9-18-02)