Sec. 5.08. Form of ballot; effective upon adoption by majority participating.
   (a)   The referendum question shall be submitted by the committee of petitioners to the city clerk for preparation and placement on the official ballot for the referendum.
   (b)   The ballot language shall contain a clear and concise statement, without argument or prejudice, describing the substance of the referendum measure that is being presented for vote by the electors.
   (c)   The ballot used when voting upon the referendum shall designate the measure, and below it the two (2) alternatives: “YES” and “NO.”
   (d)   When any commission action submitted to a referendum vote of the electors is repealed by a majority of those voting thereon, the repealed commission action shall be considered repealed as regards any further action thereunder; and all rights and privileges conferred by it shall be null and void.
   (e)   The commission action repealed as provided by subsection (d) shall be deemed sufficient authority for any payment made or expense incurred in accordance with the measure prior to the referendum or the action of the commission thereon.
(Ord. O-84-14, passed 2-3-84; Am. Ord. O-2018-05, passed 11-6-18)