Sec. 5.04. Referendum petition — Requirements; filing.
   (a)   Signatures on a referendum petition need not be all on one (1) paper, but the circulator of every such paper
shall make an affidavit that each signature appended to the petition is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, which affidavit shall be substantially in the following form:
                       being duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she is the circulator of the foregoing initiative petition containing                          signatures, and that the signatures appended thereto were made in his or her presence and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this              day of                , 20 .
                  Notary Public
   (b)   With each signature the petition also shall state the place of residence of the signer, giving the street and number or other description sufficient to identify the signer’s residence.
   (c)   A referendum petition need not contain the full text of the measure of which the repeal is sought but shall briefly and fairly describe the ordinance or part thereof sought to be repealed.
   (d)   All referendum petitions shall have written or printed on the petition the names and addresses of at least five registered voters who shall constitute a committee of the petitioners for the purposes hereinafter provided.
   (e)   All referendum petition papers shall be filed in the office of the city clerk, securely fastened together, as one petition.
(Ord. O-84-14, passed 2-3-84; Am. Ord. O-99-34, passed 10-20-99; Am. Ord. O-2018-05, passed 11-6-18)