(A) Each submittal for site plan review shall be accompanied by a detailed site plan which shall consist of an accurate drawing, showing the entire site and all land within 100 feet of the site. The scale of the site plan shall be not less than one inch equals 50 feet if the subject property is less than three acres, and one inch equals 100 feet if three acres or more. If multiple sheets are used, each shall be labeled and the preparer identified. If there is an accurate site plan for the lot filed with the village within the previous 180 days, the Zoning Official may waive the requirement for a site plan.
(B) The following information shall be shown on the detailed site plan:
(1) Name of development and general location sketch;
(2) Name, address, and phone number of owner(s), developer, and designer;
(3) North arrow, scale, and date of original drawing and each revision;
(4) The seal of one of the following professionals registered in the state: registered architect; registered civil engineer; registered landscape architect; registered land surveyor; or registered professional community planner on the site plan;
(5) A legal description and address of the property in question;
(6) The area of the site in square feet and acres, excluding all existing and proposed public rights-of-way;
(7) The dimensions of all lots and subject properties, showing the relationship of the subject property to abutting properties, including lots across rights-of-way and easements. The boundaries of the subject property shall be clearly indicated on the site plan, differentiated from other contiguous property. If the parcel is a part of a larger parcel, boundaries of total land holding shall be indicated;
(8) Existing topographic elevations at two-foot intervals, including ground elevations of all existing buildings, drives and/or parking lots, and any adjacent unusual surface conditions. Indicate direction of drainage flow;
(9) The location and elevations of existing watercourses and water bodies, including county drains and human-made surface drainage ways, floodplains, and wetlands;
(10) Location and type of significant existing vegetation, including location of all existing trees over eight inches in diameter, stands rather than individual trees may be indicated;
(11) Any significant site amenities and unique features;
(12) Existing land uses and zoning classification of the subject parcels and adjacent parcels;
(13) All required minimum setbacks from the existing or proposed right-of-way and from adjacent lots;
(14) The location and dimensions (length, width, height) of all existing and proposed structures on the subject property and all existing structures within 100 feet of the subject property;
(15) The location and width of all existing public roads, rights-of-way, or private easements of record, abutting streets, alleys, and driveway locations to abutting streets;
(16) With residential proposals, a site summary indicating the number and location of one bedroom units, two-bedroom units, and the like; typical floor plans with the square feet on floor areas; density computation, recreation facilities, open spaces, street names, and lot coverage;
(17) With nonresidential proposals, the number of offices, number of employees, the number of floors, and typical floor plans and cross sections;
(18) Proposed parking lots including layout and typical dimensions of parking spaces, number of spaces provided (including how computed per ordinance requirements), and type of surfacing;
(19) Location of and dimensions of proposed streets, drives, curb cuts, and access easements, as well as acceleration, deceleration, and passing lanes (if any) serving the development;
(20) Proposed traffic and pedestrian circulation patterns, both within the site and on public streets adjacent to the site and the proposed location and dimensions of any required pedestrian sidewalks. Designate loading and unloading areas, barrier free access, any fire lanes, and carports;
(21) All proposed screening and freestanding architectural walls, including typical cross-sections and the height above ground on both sides;
(22) The dimensions and location of all signs, both wall signs and free-standing signs and of lighting structures and shielding;
(23) Location, size, and specifications for screening of all trash receptacles and other solid waste disposal facilities, if required by the standards of this chapter;
(24) Location and specifications for any existing or proposed outdoor or below ground storage facilities as well as any screening or containment structures or clear zones required by government authorities;
(25) Notation of any variances which have been or must be secured;
(26) Notation of performance guarantees to be provided including amounts, types, and terms;
(27) Statement that applicant will comply with state, local, and federal laws, as applicable to the site or intended use;
(28) Information and special data which may be critical to the adequate review of the proposed use and its impacts-on the site or village. Such data requirements may include traffic studies, market analysis, environmental assessments (including inventory and impact data on flora, fauna, natural resources, hazardous materials, erosion control, and pollution), demands on public facilities and services, impact on historical or cultural resources, displacement of people or other uses as a result of the proposed development, alterations of the character of the surrounding area, effect on the village’s tax base, and adjacent property values;
(29) Other data which the village may reasonably deem necessary for adequate review;
(30) The site plan shall indicate size, location, and description of any proposed interior or exterior areas or structures for storing, using, loading, or unloading of hazardous substances. A listing of types and quantities of hazardous substances which will be used or stored on-site in quantities of hazardous substances which will be used or stored on-site in quantities greater than 100 kilograms or 25 gallons per month;
(31) Delineation of areas on the site which are known or suspected to be contaminated, together with a report on the status of the cleanup;
(32) For developments that are of a scale to warrant phased development, the phasing of construction shall be indicated;
(33) Proposed finish grade of buildings, driveways, walkways, and parking lots;
(34) Proposed type of building materials, roof design, projections, canopies, and overhangs, roof-located mechanical equipment, such as: air conditioning, heating units, and transformers that will be visible from the exterior. The architectural plans of the buildings shall be prepared by and bear the seal of a registered architect. A site plan for an alteration or addition to existing structures may be prepared by licensed builder or contractor;
(35) Proposed water service including any proposed tap-ins, main extensions or extensions for adequate fire hydrant spacing, and/or considerations for extensions to loop other public water mains.
(36) Proposed sanitary sewer facilities and location of all existing utilities, easements, vacations, and the general placement of lines, manholes, tap-ins, pump stations, and lift stations;
(37) Proposed stormwater management plan, including design of sewers, outlets (enclosed or open ditches), and retention or detention ponds. Sufficient data regarding site run-off estimates and off-site drainage patterns shall be provided to permit review of feasibility and permanency of drainage detention and/or retention as well as the impact on local surface and groundwater. The plan shall indicate location and status of any floor drains in structures on the site. The point of discharge for all drams and pipes should be specified on the site plan;
(38) Locations of existing and proposed fire hydrants with reasonable access thereto for firefighting, police and other emergency equipment;
(39) Location of all other utilities on the site, including, but not limited to, natural gas, electric, cable television, and telephone;
(40) Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures;
(41) Detailed landscaping plan, indicating location, quantity, types, and sizes of material. A landscaping maintenance plan and schedule for pruning, mowing, watering, fertilizing, irrigating, and replacement of dead and diseased materials shall be provided. Also, cross-sections of any berms shall be provided; and
(42) Easements for proposed public rights-of-way, utilities, access, shared access, and drainage; and
(43) The information listed in divisions (B)(34) through this division (B)(43) may be required by the Zoning Official to be submitted with the site plan prior to Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, review, or submitted prior to final site plan approval and/or required as a condition of final site plan approval.
(Ord. 259, passed 10-24-1995; Ord. passed 2-1-2012)