(A)   Intent.
      (1)   To permit the integration of office, personal service, and limited business uses, in what is predominantly a residential setting. This District is specifically designed for application to the transitional sections where existing residential uses are experiencing redevelopment pressures. Among the purposes of the NOC District is the accommodation of a variety of housing types at a moderate density; as well as various office uses performing administrative, professional, and personal services; and very limited commercial ventures, such as boutiques and similar enterprises; and
      (2)   Upon individual review and the granting of a special exception permit, day-to-day retail shopping facilities providing service to persons living in adjacent areas, and having minimal impact upon surrounding neighborhoods, may also be permitted. In order to minimize incompatibility with existing residential development and to promote a unified and positive physical image for these critical areas, all office or commercial uses shall be housed in structures possessing a residential facade and general character of a residence.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   All uses permitted in the RM Moderate-Density Residential District;
      (2)   The following office establishments in structures not originally erected for residential purposes which perform services on the premises:
         (a)   Financial institutions;
         (b)   Insurance offices;
         (c)   Real estate offices;
         (d)   Office for attorneys, accountants, architects, engineers, and similar professionals;
         (e)   Photographic studios; and
         (f)   Other office establishments similar to and compatible with the above establishments.
      (3)   Professional service establishments providing human health care on an outpatient basis;
      (4)   The following establishments customarily related to medical and dental uses when located in a medical or dental building or complex and when intended primarily to serve to occupants of the building or complex in which they are located:
         (a)   Pharmacies;
         (b)   Medical, dental, and optical laboratories;
         (c)   Stores offering supportive or corrective garments and prosthetic appliances;
         (d)   Other establishments similar to and compatible with the above establishments;
         (e)   The following miscellaneous business service establishments:
            1.   Consumer credit reporting agencies;
            2.   Mailing list and stenographic services;
            3.   Business management consulting services;
            4.   Duplicating services; and
            5.   Other establishments similar to an compatible with the above establishments.
         (f)   Governmental offices and libraries;
         (g)   Churches and related facilities;
         (h)   Offices of nonprofit organizations, such as professional membership organizations, labor unions, civic, social and fraternal associations, political organizations;
         (i)   Mortuaries and funeral homes, subject to the following restrictions.
            1.   Sufficient off-street automobile parking and assembly area shall be provided for vehicles to be used in funeral possessions. The assembly area shall be provided in addition to otherwise required off-street parking area.
            2.   Loading and unloading areas uses by ambulances, hearses, or other such service vehicles shall be obscured from view with an opaque fence or wall not less than six feet in height.
         (j)   Fraternal lodges or similar civil or social clubs; and
         (k)   Accessory uses, buildings, and structures customarily incident to the above uses as defined in § 157.008 and meeting the standards of §§ 157.035 through 157.039;
      (5)   Safety compliance facility.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following uses may be permitted upon review and approval in accordance with the general standards for all special land uses in § 157.122 and the standards for the specific use in § 157.130.
      (1)   All special land uses permitted in the RM Moderate-Density Residential District;
      (2)   Retail establishments marketing convenience goods, such as groceries, fruit, meats, dairy products, produce, baked goods and alcoholic beverages, stores selling drugs, hardware, novelties and gifts, flowers, books, stationery, tobacco, and sundry small household articles;
      (3)   Office or commercial uses located in a structure originally erected for residential purposes, provided, all commercial structure standards of the Village Building Code are complied with;
      (4)   Boutiques or establishments operated expressly for the sale of antiques, collectibles, and similar merchandise; and
      (5)   (a)   Uses of the same nature or class as the majority of the uses listed in this District as either a permitted use or a special land use, but not listed elsewhere in this chapter, as determined by the Village Council, following a Planning Commission and/or Zoning Commission, as required, public hearing and recommendation.
         (b)   The determination shall be based on the standards of § 157.032.
         (c)   Any use not listed and not found to be similar is prohibited in this zoning district.
   (D)   Additional site development standards.
      (1)   No site plan shall be approved, unless the site is served by public water and sanitary sewer facilities.
      (2)   All permitted and special land uses shall comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter and the following listed as a reference guide:
         (a)   Section 157.008, “definitions”;
         (b)   Sections 157.025 through 157.057, “General Regulations” for standards on a variety of items such as: calculation of buildable lot; regulations for single-family dwellings; illegal dwellings; accessory uses, temporary buildings, and structures; parking and repair of vehicles; swimming pools; fences; reception antennas; limitations on clearing and grading site; and the like;
         (c)   Section 157.009, “schedule of regulations” (minimum lot area, lot width, setbacks, maximum height, and the like);
         (d)   Sections 157.145 through 157.151, “Parking and Loading”;
         (e)   Sections 157.165 through 157.176, “Landscaping Standards”;
         (f)   Sections 157.190 through 157.204, “Site Plan Review and Approval”;
         (g)   Sections 157.260 through 157.268, “Condominium Development Standards”;
         (h)   Ch. 153, Subdivision Control; and
         (i)   Ch. 154, Signs.
(Ord. 259, passed 10-24-1995; Ord. passed 2-1-2012; Ord. 469, passed 2-8-2022) Penalty, see § 157.999