(A)   Signs in an Industrial District shall be permitted, subject to the following limitations. Any sign not expressly permitted is prohibited.
      (1)   Ground signs.
         (a)   One on-premises advertising sign per developed lot or parcel not exceeding 32 square feet in surface display area per side.
         (b)   The sign shall contain only those items which are permitted pursuant to the requirements of this section in order to promote safety and clear sight paths.
         (c)   The top of ground signs shall not be higher than six feet above the average grade or the finished elevation of the sidewalk nearest the sign, whichever is less.
         (d)   All signs shall maintain a minimum setback from the street right-of-way line of ten feet.
         (e)   The ground sign shall be located a minimum of ten feet from any property line or to the edge of the pavement of any driveway entrance off the right-of-way.
         (f)   The ground sign shall be integrated into the landscape buffer design and shall be compatible with the design and materials used for the structures on the site.
         (g)   The masonry base height of any ground sign shall be a minimum of 16 inches and shall not exceed 36 inches. The masonry base shall not exceed the length of the sign.
      (2)   Wall signs.
         (a)   Wall signs may include any of the following: flat aluminum or steel with an automotive enamel finish, plywood with a high-quality latex painted surface, channel letters, or sandblasted or carved wood and may include registered trademarks. All signs are subject to inspection by the building or Zoning Official and owners may be required to repaint or refinish these signs if not found to be in a safe, neat, and attractive condition.
         (b)   The total square footage allowed for a wall sign, shall be determined by multiplying one square foot by the linear footage of the building or legally occupied space, but shall be limited to 100 square feet or 20% of the building wall, whichever is smaller. Awning signs are not permitted in the CBD District.
         (c)   All wall signs must be safely and securely attached to the building by means of anchors, bolts, or expansion screws. In no case shall strips of wood or nails secure any wall sign.
      (3)   Marquee signs. Marquee signs shall not exceed the surface display area permitted for wall signs.
      (4)   Projecting signs.
         (a)   Two per building, but only one per wall with a surface display area not exceeding one and one-half square feet in area for each lineal foot of building frontage up to a maximum of 25 square feet per side;
         (b)   Projecting signs shall be attached directly to a building by means of building mounts or hung from a mast arm. These support members may also include decorative appurtenances;
         (c)   Signs must project at a 90-degree angle to the building surface to which attached; and
         (d)   Projecting signs shall not extend beyond the minimum required setback line or into and over street right-of-way.
      (5)   Window signs.
         (a)   Permanent window copy, painted or otherwise attached to the window surface, shall be limited to 50% of the total window surface.
         (b)   Temporary window signs, painted or otherwise attached to the window surface, shall not exceed 75% of the window surface. No temporary window sign shall be displayed for more than 30 consecutive days.
         (c)   The provisions stated above shall not restrict the reasonable application upon a window surface of lettering or decals giving the address, hours of business, entrance or exit information, professional or security information, credit cards which are accepted, or similar information, nor shall the surface area of such lettering or decals be included in the overall computation of allowable signage.
         (d)   Permanent window copy and temporary window signs used in conjunction shall not exceed 75% of the total window surface.
      (6)   Illuminated signs.
         (a)   Signs may be illuminated but no blinking, fluttering lights, or flashing or moving illumination shall be permitted.
         (b)   The source of illumination shall not be visible beyond the property line of the parcel on which the sign is located.
         (c)   Neon signs shall be permitted, subject to the limitations herein.
         (d)   Signs shall not revolve or move in any manner; because of tradition, barber poles, are exempt.
         (e)   Canopy signs shall not be internally lighted.
         (f)   Lighting shall be downward facing and shielded from residential uses and districts.
         (g)   The maximum foot-candle reading shall not exceed 0.3 foot-candles above the ambient light.
      (7)   Portable signs. One sign is allowed per business subject to the following conditions.
         (a)   All signs shall not exceed 12 square feet of surface display area per side.
         (b)   All signs shall not exceed four feet in height.
      (8)   Electronic message boards. A maximum of one sign shall be permitted provided they are not a nuisance such as intensity, level of distraction or other nuisances not specifically listed here to residential neighboring properties after sundown.
         (a)   Messages on electronic message boards must not blink, flutter, or flash across the viewing area. Messages may only switch from one message to another by fading or scrolling to the new message.
         (b)   The maximum foot-candle reading shall not exceed 0.3 foot-candles above the ambient light measured from the property line or right-of-way at a height of three feet.
      (9)   Temporary signs. A sign may be used in a CBD - Commercial District in accordance with the following provisions:
         (a)   A sign permit shall be obtained prior to the installation of the sign;
         (b)   Must be placed on the same premises where the business is located;
         (c)   No more than four permits for the signs shall be issued for the same premises within one calendar year for a maximum of 30 days each. A business center consisting of two or more establishments that share a common parking lot shall be considered as one premises;
         (d)   Pennants, flags, or streamers that display no advertisement may be used for a maximum of 120 days per calendar year, pursuant to special exception permit, not to exceed 30 days per permit; and
         (e)   The signs may only be illuminated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(1984 Code, Ch. 6-03) (Ord. 464, passed 5-11-2021)