§ 154.01 PURPOSE.
   (A)   General purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of this chapter is to provide framework within which the identification and informational needs of all land uses can be harmonized with the desires and aesthetic standards of the general public.
      (2)   It is intended through the provisions contained herein to give recognition to the legitimate needs of business, industry, and other activities in attaining their identification and informational objectives. It is a basic tenet of this chapter that unrestricted signage does not benefit either the private sector or the community at large.
   (B)   Design purpose.
      (1)   It is further the intent of this chapter to establish signage regulation that will enhance the aesthetic appearance of the village, in order to better protect the stability of the community; to promote the health, welfare, and the safety of the residents; and to enhance and protect properties within the village.
   (2)   Classic designs of shape, font, and colors are encouraged. All signs will be inspected regularly and if found to be in a deteriorated condition; owners may be required to remove or upgrade the signs.
   (C)   Additional regulations may apply to structures located within the Village Historic Districts. One must consult with village officials with regard to the applicability of such provisions and in determining compliance with all those requirements before erecting any sign pursuant to this chapter.
(1984 Code, Ch. 6-03) (Ord. 377, passed 2-23-2006; Ord. 464, passed 5-11-2021)