(A) Minimum right-of-way widths.
(1) Major thoroughfares. As indicated on Master Plan and as required by the County Road Commission for County Roads;
(2) Local subdivision streets. Sixty feet;
(3) Neighborhood collector streets. Eighty-six feet;
(4) Boulevard streets. Eighty feet;
(5) “U” streets. One hundred twenty feet, terminating in a circle 120 feet in diameter;
(6) Cul-de-sac streets. Sixty feet, terminating in a circle 120 feet in diameter;
(7) Marginal access streets. Forty feet, abutting thoroughfare right-of-way; and
(8) Alley. Twenty feet.
(B) Grades.
(1) Maximum. All streets, 5%; provided, that where essential to reasonable development,7% may be permitted for collector and minor streets; and
(2) Minimum. Forty hundredths percent (0.40%).
(C) Vertical alignment.
(1) Major thoroughfares. Minimum sight distance, 600 feet, measured on and four feet above street centerline; and
(2) All other streets. Minimum sight distance, 300 feet, measured as in above.
(D) Horizontal alignment.
(1) When tangent centerlines deflect from each other more than ten degrees and less than 90 degrees, they shall be connected by a curve with a minimum radius of:
(a) Collector streets. Three hundred feet; and
(b) Minor streets. One hundred fifty feet.
(2) Between reverse curves there shall be a minimum tangent distance of 100 feet;
(3) Streets intersecting a major thoroughfare shall do so at a 90-degree angle; and
(4) Minor streets intersecting a collector street or major thoroughfare shall have a tangent section of centerline at least 50 feet in length measured from the right-of-way line of the major street; provided, that no such tangent is required when the centerline of the minor street has a curve radius greater than 400 feet with curve center located on the right-of-way line of the major street.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-04-030) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
(A) Maximum length of blocks, measured between intersections of centerlines: One thousand three hundred feet. This maximum may be exceeded by not more than 500 feet in developments with lot sizes averaging over one-half acre, or where extreme topographic conditions warrant; and
(B) Maximum length of cul-de-sac and “u” streets, measured from the intersection of right-of-way lines to the extreme depth of turning circle along centerline of street: Six hundred feet. Exceptions shall not be made for the purpose of avoiding the extension of streets to connect with adjoining unplatted or platted parcels.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-04-040) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)
Minimum lot width, depth and area shall be in accordance with the village zoning ordinance, see Ch. 157.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-04-050) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969; Ord. 266, passed 6-25-1996)
(A) All public utility easements included in the plat shall be shown as follows:
(1) By their widths and relationship to the lot or street lines;
(2) As at least 12 feet wide where the rear lines of lots are contiguous; and
(3) As at least six feet wide if a lot has no adjoining subdivisions.
(B) (1) Poorly drained land, or land within a public drainage easement intended for surface use, or land within a private utility easement for major power transmission lines, shall not be considered as satisfying more than 25% of the minimum required lot area of lots with less than 12,000 square feet in area.
(2) This shall not be construed as applicable to underground easements or utility easements for distribution purposes.
(C) (1) Lots arranged to back to thoroughfares, railroads or commercial and industrial districts, as required in § 153.36(C), shall be provided an extra depth of at least 25 feet to be recorded as a non-access private easement.
(2) Not more than 25 feet of such extra depth shall be excluded in determining the depth to width ratio division (A)(3) above.
(D) Private fencing shall not be permitted within public drainage easements for surface drainage.
(1984 Code, § 6-02-04-060) (Ord. 11, passed 8-26-1969)