(A)   Except for the purpose of inquiry or in case of an emergency during the temporary absence or disability of the Village Manager, the Council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the Village Manager and neither the Council nor any Council Member shall give orders to any subordinate of the Village Manager, either publicly or privately.
   (B)   No Council Member shall direct or request:
      (1)   Except for the election of those administrative officers required to be elected by the council, the appointment of any person to, or the removal of any person from, any employment position or office for which the Village Manager is responsible;
      (2)   Except at public meetings and in cases of letting of contracts, the purchase of any specific materials, supplies or equipment.
      It is not the intent of this provision to prevent frank discussion of the business of the Village between the Village Manager and the Council or any Council Member at any time, but to prevent the personal favoritism or prejudice of any Council Member from hampering the administration of the village government as set forth in this chapter.
   (C)   The Council shall not have the power to make any contract with or give any official position to any person who is in default to the village.
   (D)   As used in this section, “in default to the Village” means delinquent in the payment of property taxes or delinquent in a debt owed to the village if 1 of the following applies:
      (1)   The taxes remain delinquent after the last day of February in the year following the year in which they are levied, unless the taxes are the subject of an appeal.
      (2)   Another debt owed to the village remains unpaid 90 days after the due date, unless the debt is the subject of an administrative appeal or a contested court case.
[Election 8/3/2010]