Notice of the time and place of holding any village election, and of the officers to be nominated or elected and the questions to be voted upon, shall be given by the Clerk-Treasurer by publication at least twice in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the village and, if deemed advisable by the Council, by posting in two (2) or more conspicuous places in the village not less than ten (10) days prior to such election.
(A) Persons desiring to qualify as candidates for nomination for any elective office under this charter shall file a petition therefore with the Clerk Treasurer signed by not less than twenty-five (25) nor more than fifty (50) registered electors of the village not later than 5:00 p.m. on the seventh (7th) Monday prior to the date of the regular or special village election.
[Election 3/12/96]
(B) Official blank petitions in substantially the same form as required by state law for state and county officers, except for references to party, shall be prepared and furnished by the Clerk-Treasurer. Before the Clerk-Treasurer distributes any nomination petitions to any person, he/she may enter thereon in ink the name of the person desiring to become a candidate for office in the village, or the person in whose behalf the petition is to be circulated, and the name of the office for which he/she is a candidate.
(C) Nomination petitions for the purpose of filling a vacancy shall so state in connection with the name of the office for which the petition is to be circulated. The Clerk-Treasurer shall publish notice of the last day and time for filing nomination petitions at least (1) one week before, and not more than three (3) weeks before, that date.
(D) No person shall sign his name to a greater number of petitions for any one office than there will be persons elected to said office. Where any name appears on more petitions than there are candidates to be elected to said office, such name shall not be counted upon any petition for that office.
(A) The Clerk-Treasurer shall accept for filing nomination petitions containing the required number of signatures for candidates having those qualifications required by elective Village officers by this charter. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit any candidate from having his/her own nominating petitions printed, but they must comply substantially with the form required by law.
(B) When petitions are filed by persons other than the person whose name appears thereon as a candidate, they may be accepted for filing only when accompanied by the written consent of the person in whose behalf the petition or petitions were circulated.
(C) The Clerk-Treasurer shall, within five (5) days after the final day and hour for receiving nomination petitions, determine the sufficiency of the signatures on each petition filed, and if he/she finds any petition does not contain the required number of legal signatures of registered electors, he shall immediately notify the candidate in writing, by registered mail with return receipt requested, of the insufficiency of his/her petition.
(D) Each petition which is found by the Clerk-Treasurer to contain the required number of signatures of registered electors shall be marked “In Order,” with the date thereof, and he/she shall so notify the candidate whose name appears thereon, in writing.
The form of the ballot used in any village election shall conform as nearly as may be to that prescribed by the general law of the state for nonpartisan elections. The name of candidates for nomination or of qualified nominees, as the case may be, for each office shall be listed in a single column and shall be rotated on the ballots. In all other respects the printing and numbering of ballots shall conform to the general laws of the state relating to elections.
(A) Village elections shall be canvassed by the Board of County Canvassers as provided by Act No. 116, P.A., 1954 as amended.
(B) The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall file in his/her office and preserve the original statement and determination of the Board of Canvassers of the results of the elections and shall forthwith execute and cause to be delivered to the persons thereby declared to be elected to Village Offices, a certification of election certified by him/her.