(A)   No person shall be eligible for election or appointment to any elective or appointive village office if such person is in default to the Village. The election or appointment of any such person in default shall be void.
   (B)   As used in this section, “in default to the Village” means delinquent in the payment of property taxes or delinquent in a debt owed to the village if one of the following applies:
      (1)   The property taxes remain delinquent after the last day of February in the year following the year in which they are levied, unless the taxes are the subject of an appeal.
      (2)   Another debt owed to the village remains unpaid 90 days after the due date, unless the debt is the subject of an administrative appeal or a contested court case.
   (C)   No person shall be eligible to hold any popularly elective office of the Village unless he or she shall be eighteen years of age or older, a registered voter in, and shall have been a resident of, the Village for at least six (6) months immediately prior to the date of his or her election.
[Election 11/4/2014]
   (D)   No person who is an employee of the Village shall be eligible to hold the office of President or Council Member of the Village.
[Election 8/03/2010]