(A)   Multiple member bodies, including boards and commissions, may be established by the Village ordinance or resolution. Such bodies may exercise those powers and duties granted by the Village provided that they do not conflict with provisions of this charter.
   (B)   All multiple member bodies, including boards and commissions, of the Village of Holly shall be subject to the following provisions, unless otherwise stated in this charter:
      (1)   Initial appointments of persons shall be made to provide for staggered expiration of terms.
      (2)   Appointments shall be made by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Village Council. Removal from office shall be for cause upon recommendation of the Village President and approval of the Village Council.
      (3)   Vacancies which occur prior to the expiration of the term shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner as an expired term.
      (4)   Each body shall have the power to organize for the conduct of its business including the selection of officers. All rules adopted and used by such body shall comply with the provisions of this charter. The rules shall provide for notice of meetings and shall define the manner in which no-attendance becomes neglect of duty and grounds for removal from office.
      (5)   Each body shall report at least once a year to the Village Council concerning its activities. A copy of the report shall be filed with the Village Clerk and be available for public inspection.
[Election 11/3/92]