(A)   All powers, privileges, and immunities not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter, possessed by the Village of Holly by virtue of its incorporation as such and enumerated in Act No. 3, P.A. 1895, the former Charter of the village which is hereby superseded, are hereby expressly retained by the village and shall constitute a part of the police power of the village even though not expressly enumerated herein.
   (B)   Further, unless otherwise provided or limited in this charter, the Village of Holly and its officers shall be vested with any and all powers, privileges and immunities, expressed and implied, which villages and their officers are, or hereafter may be, permitted to exercise or to provide for in their charters under the constitution and laws of the State of Michigan, and of the United States of America, including all the powers, privileges, and immunities which villages are permitted to or may provide in their charters by the Michigan Home Rule Act for Villages, being Act No. 278 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended, as fully and completely as though those powers privileges, and immunities were specifically enumerated in and provided for in this charter, and in no case shall any enumeration of particular powers, privileges, or immunities in this charter be held to be exclusive, it being the intent of the Charter Commission in framing this charter, and of the people of the Village in adopting it, to include all such powers, privileges, and immunities within the scope of the powers, privileges, and immunities granted to the Village of Holly by the provisions of this charter.
   (C)   The Village and its officers shall have the power to exercise all municipal powers in the management and control of municipal property and in the administration of the municipal government whether such powers be expressly enumerated or not; to do any act to advance the interests of the Village, the good government and prosperity of the municipality and its inhabitants, and through its regular constituted authority, to pass and enforce all laws, ordinances and resolution relating to its municipal concerns, subject to the constitution and general laws of the state and the provisions of this charter.