§ 152.09  ENFORCEMENT.
   No subdivision plat required by this chapter or the Idaho Code shall be admitted to the public land records of the county of recorded by the County Recorder, until such subdivision plat has received final approval by the Council. No public board, agency, commission, official or other authority shall proceed with the construction of any of the public improvements required by this chapter until the final plat has received the approval by the Council.
(Ord. passed 9-11-1995)
§ 152.10  AMENDMENTS.
   (A)   Amendment procedures. The Council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or repeal the regulations and provisions of this chapter in the manner prescribed by Idaho Code to better serve the city and outlying community. A proposed amendment, supplement or repeal may be originated by the Council or by petition from the public at large. In all cases, the proposal shall be reviewed by the Council before any action is taken on the issue. Adequate public notice shall be given to obtain comments from the public, either for or against, prior to any action taken.
   (B)   Council public hearing.
      (1)   The Council shall hold a public hearing and make recommendations on proposed amendments.
      (2)   The Council shall conduct as least one public hearing in which interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least 15 days prior to the hearing, notice of time and place and the amendment shall be published in the official newspaper or paper of general circulation within the jurisdiction.
   (C)   Action by Council.
      (1)   Upon granting or denying an application to amend the Zoning Ordinance, the Council shall specify:
         (a)   The ordinance and standards used in evaluating the application;
         (b)   The reasons for approval or denial; and
         (c)   The actions, if any, that the applicant could take to obtain a permit.
      (2)   In the event the Council shall approve and amendment, such amendment shall thereafter be made a part of this chapter upon the preparation and passage of an ordinance.
   (D)   Resubmission of application. No application for amendment which has been denied by the Council shall be resubmitted in either substantially the same form or with reference to substantially the same premises for the same purposes within a period of six months from the date of such final action; unless there is an amendment in the Comprehensive Plan which resulted from a change in conditions as applying to the specific property under consideration.
(Ord. passed 9-11-1995)