(A)   Evidence of non-compliance. The code officer shall recommend to the City Council the revocation of any permit upon evidence that any of the conditions set forth in this subchapter as a prerequisite to the issuance of a permit have been violated or that the permit was issued upon fraudulent or untrue representations, or that the person holding the permit has violated any of the provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   Petition of adjacent residents. The code officer shall recommend to the City Council the revocation of any permit when 50% of the owners or residents of the property abutting upon the premises where any of the said animals are being kept or maintained file a petition for such revocation.
   (C)   Premises open to inspection. All places and premises upon which any of said animals are kept or housed shall always be open for inspection by the city. If, upon inspection, there is found to exist any violation of any provision of this subchapter, the city shall give the person responsible for such violation a written notice specifying the violation and requiring such offender to abate or correct the same within a period of 24 hours. If such violation is not abated or corrected within such period, the city shall recommend to the City Council that the permit of such person be revoked.
   (D)   Hearing on revocation. When the code officer has recommended to the City Council that the permit be revoked, the City Council shall notify the permittee by registered or certified mail to appear before the City Council and be heard upon the recommendations of the city. The notice must be sent within 48 hours of the recommendation and the hearing held within 15 days of the recommendation. At the hearing, if it shall appear to the City Council that cause exists for cancellation of such permit, the permit may be revoked without further process of law.
(Ord. passed - -)