(A)   The Police Chief and/or Mayor of the town shall, immediately upon enactment of this policy, commence examination of the feasibility of installing video camera equipment and transmitter-activated equipment in each motor vehicle regularly used to make traffic stops, and shall report to the governing body of the town, on the findings of such examination no later than six months following enactment of this policy. The report shall include funding options available to the town, including any funding available through the DPS.
   (B)   In the event that the findings of such examination support the installation of such equipment, the governing body shall consider and take action on installing the equipment, applying for funding to secure and install such equipment, or such other action as the governing body considers appropriate. In the event the examination does not support installing such equipment, the Mayor of the town shall periodically update the governing body on such feasibility.
   (C)   In the event that the governing body determines that funds are needed in order to install the equipment, it shall pass a resolution certifying that fact to the DPS. On receipt of either sufficient funds or video and audio equipment, the governing body shall install video and transmitter-activated equipment in each motor vehicle regularly used to make traffic stops, and shall install transmitter-activated equipment on each motorcycle regularly used to make traffic stops, and the governing body shall pass a resolution certifying to the Department of Public Safety that such equipment has been installed and is being used to record each traffic and pedestrian stop made by a peace officer employed by the town that is capable of being recorded by video and audio or audio equipment, as appropriate.
(Ord. 2002-07, passed 2-18-2002)