Following exceptions will be permitted on parking:
   (A)   Deliveries. Allowances will be made for delivery trucks. Delivery trucks will be allowed an exception up to one hour unless prior approval as obtained from City Hall or the Police Department.
   (B)   Lawn care. Will be allowed an exception as long as they do not create a traffic hazard. Operators will make every effort to keep their vehicles off the paved portion of roadways as much as possible. If there is a side street adjacent to where they are working they should park on the side street.
   (C)   Funerals. Residence where a family member has passed will be allowed an exception of up to five days.
   (D)   Large parties. Large parties where there will be more than ten vehicles in addition to the usual resident's vehicles must obtain a permit at least 72 hours in advance. Permit must be approved by Mayor and Police Chief. Operators of vehicles will make every effort to keep their vehicles off the paved portion of roadways as much as possible.
   (E)   All the exceptions listed above are required to park on one side of the road only.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 12-5-2017)