(A)   All vehicles operated upon the roads of the town must meet state requirements. They must be licensed, registered, and insured.
   (B)   ATV's (four-wheelers) are not allowed to be operated upon public roadways and must be operated only upon private property.
   (C)   RTV's (Gator, Kubota) are allowed provided they meet State Law requirements and are operated by a licensed driver, only. Under no condition shall an unlicensed person or a minor be allowed to operate any type of vehicle(s) upon town roads.
   (D)   Under no circumstances may a vehicle that operates upon tracks be allowed to be operated upon a public road way. They shall be delivered to the job site, by trailer, and unloaded upon private property, and shall be removed from the property by trailer. Any person found operating a tracked vehicle upon a public roadway shall be liable for damages to said roadway and cited for the violation.
(Ord. 2017-05, passed 8-15-2017)