(A)   Any loud, irritating, vexing or disturbing noise which causes distress, annoyance, discomfort or injury to, or which interferes with the comfort and repose of any person of normal nervous sensibilities in the vicinity or hearing thereof, is declared to be a “noise nuisance”, and is unlawful and prohibited.
   (B)   The following acts, among others not hereinafter enumerated, are declared to be “noise nuisances” unlawful, and in violation of the provisions of this section when such acts are done or accomplished or carried on in such a manner or with such volume, intensity, or with continued duration, so as to annoy, to distress, or to disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of, persons of reasonable nervous sensibilities within the vicinity or hearing thereof:
      (1)   The playing of any radio, phonograph, juke box, nickelodeon or any musical instrument;
      (2)   Any loud or vociferous language or any soliciting for, or description of, any amusement house, moving picture theater or other like place of amusement, or for the performance therein, in the entrance thereto, the foyer or lobby thereof, or on the sidewalks adjoining the same;
      (3)   The keeping of any animal, fowl or bird which makes frequent or long, continued noise;
      (4)   The continued or frequent sounding of any horn or other signal device on any automobile or vehicle, motorcycle, bus or other vehicle, except as a danger signal;
      (5)   The running of any motor of any automobile or vehicle, motorcycle or other motor vehicle so out of repair, or so loaded, or so operated, as to create loud, grating, grinding, jarring or rattling noise vibrations;
      (6)   The discharge into the open air of the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, automobile, motorcycle or other motor vehicle or boat, except through a muffler or other device which prevents loud or explosive noises therefrom;
      (7)   The crying, calling or shouting, in person or by a mechanical device, or the use of any whistle, rattle, bell, gong, clapper, hammer, drum, horn, loudspeaker or phonograph with or without an amplifier, hand organ or other devices or instruments, musical or otherwise, for the purpose of advertising any candidates for elective office, any goods, wares or merchandise, or for the purpose of attracting attention to or inviting persons to any political rally, meeting or gathering, to any place of amusement, to any performance or show, or to any business or activity whatsoever; and
      (8)   The raucous shouting, whistling, yelling, singing, hooting or crying of peddlers, hawkers, vendors or any other persons.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to create or cause any noise nuisance within the corporate limits of the town. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit or allow to be created or caused a noise nuisance within the corporate limits of the town.
(Ord. 2006-06, passed 3-20-2006) Penalty, see § 130.99