The developer(s) shall prepare a preliminary plan together with improvement plans and other supplementary material as may be required to indicate the general program and objectives of the project, and shall submit 18 copies of the preliminary plan to the Zoning Administrator at least ten days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which consideration of the plan is desired.
(A) Scale. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on a sheet 18 inches by 24 inches or a multiple thereof at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or, for areas over 100 acres, one inch equals 200 feet.
(B) General information. The following general information shall be shown on the preliminary plan:
(1) Proposed name of the planned development. This name must not duplicate, nor resemble, the name of an existing development, so as to cause confusion;
(2) Date, north point, and scale of drawing;
(3) Appropriate identification clearly stating the map is a preliminary plan;
(4) Location of the planned development sufficient to define the location and boundaries of the proposed tract. Names of adjacent subdivisions or, in the case of unplatted land, the name of the property owner or owners; and
(5) Names and addresses of the owner, developer, engineer or surveyor, landscape architect or any other persons involved in the planning of the proposed development.
(C) Existing conditions. The following existing conditions shall be shown on the preliminary plan: the location, width and names of all existing or platted streets within or adjacent to the tract, together with easements, railroad right-of-way and other important features, such as section lines and corners, city boundary lines and monuments:
(1) Contour lines related to some established benchmark or other datum and having the following intervals:
(a) Five-foot contour intervals for ground slopes less than 10%; and
(b) Ten-foot contour intervals for ground slopes exceeding 10%.
(2) Location and direction of all water courses and areas subject to flooding;
(3) Natural features such as rock outcroppings, marshes, wooded areas and isolated preservable trees;
(4) Existing uses of the property, including location of all existing structures to remain on the property after development;
(5) The location within the development and in the adjoining streets and property of existing sewers, water mains, culverts, drainpipes and the electric and gas lines proposed to service the property to be developed; and
(6) Zoning on and adjacent to the tract.
(D) Proposed plan of land partitioning. The following information shall be included in the preliminary plan:
(1) Streets showing location, width, names and approximate grades. The relationship of all streets to any projected streets as shown on any development plan adopted by the Planning Commission or, if there is no complete development plan, as suggested by the Planning Commission to assure adequate area traffic circulation;
(2) Easements, showing width and purpose;
(3) Lots, showing approximate dimensions, minimum lot sizes and proposed lot and block numbers; and
(4) Sites, if any, allocated for various uses when more than one use is involved.
(2005 Code, § 11-703)