Listed below are guidelines when an applicant requests to install a wind energy system within jurisdiction of the city.
   (A)   The distance from all lot lines, any buildings, overhead power lines or to any additional tower support base of a WES shall be equal to the total height of the proposed tower from the ground to the highest moving or stationary point of the WES plus 20%.
   (B)   A conditional use permit is required in all applications and must be from the owner of the property where the WES is to be installed.
   (C)   The maximum allowable height for the WES shall not exceed 150 total feet to the highest moving or stationary point.
   (D)   The WES shall not cause any interference with radio, television, computer or other electronic operations on adjacent properties.
   (E)   A fence six feet high with a locking gate shall be placed around the base of the tower or the tower climbing apparatus shall begin no less than 12 feet from the ground.
   (F)   Data pertaining to the WES shall be filed with the application. The data shall include turbine safety and acceptance results from tests conducted by a qualified individual or organization based upon standards set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Utility Wind Turbine Verification Program (UWTVP), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Electric Code (NEC).
   (G)   The maximum decibels allowed from the WES shall be 40 decibels, measured at the nearest property line.
   (H)   The shadows that may arise from the WES shall not cast on adjacent property owners dwellings due to the possible strobe light affect.
   (I)   The WES shall be installed by an electrician that is licensed with the city and the installation shall comply with the National Electric Code (NEC), National Electric Safety Code (NESC) and the city services rules. Also written authorization from the City Electric Department and the wholesale electrical supplier to the city will be required.
(Ord. 2305, passed 8-18-2009)