§ 8-311  LOAD LIMITS.
   The governing body may, by resolution, prohibit the operation of vehicles upon any highway or impose restrictions as to the weight of vehicles, for a total period not to exceed 90 days in any one calendar year, when operated upon any highway under the jurisdiction of and for the maintenance of which the city is responsible whenever any said highway by reason of deterioration, rain, snow or other climatic condition will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the use of vehicles thereon is prohibited or the permissible weight thereof reduced. The governing body shall erect or cause to be erected and maintained signs designating the provisions of the resolution at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and the resolution shall not be effective until such signs are erected and maintained. The governing body may also, by resolution, prohibit the operation of trucks or other commercial vehicles, or impose limitations as to the weight thereof on designated highways, which prohibitions and limitations shall be designated by appropriate signs placed on such highways.
(2005 Code, § 8-311)