   5-401   Vehicles unattended
   5-402   Marked spaces
   5-403   Direction of traffic intersections
   5-404   Parking designation
   5-405   Parking areas
   5-406   Obstructing alley
   5-407   Parking in alleys
   5-408   Unloading; freight vehicles
   5-409   Parking near fire hydrants and stations
   5-410   Parking near schools, theaters
   5-411   Street intersections
   5-412   Obstructing traffic
   5-413   Parking generally
   5-414   Parking; curbs, painted
   5-415   Parking for repair of vehicle
   5-416   Current license; owner of vehicle responsible for parking
   5-417   Maximum time limit
   5-418   Truck parking
   5-419   Designated parallel parking
   5-420   Parking for trailers, dangerous vehicles, long vehicles
   5-421   Parking of vending vehicles
   5-422   Restricted zone
   5-423   Bureau of Violations
   5-424   Parking tickets; destruction
   5-425   Parking; reserved for handicapped; permit; penalty
   5-426   Loading zones
   5-427   Handicapped parking zones
   5-428   Restricted parking zone; commercial bus; library; school bus; fire zones; ten-minute parking zone; Fire Department parking; no parking or stopping zone