(A) It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, under the direction of the City Council, to prescribe the location, arrangement, form, material and construction of every private drain or sewer emptying into the sanitary sewerage system of the city and to determine the manner and plan of such connection. The work of constructing the same shall be in all cases subject to the superintendence and control of the City Council through its authorized agents and shall be executed strictly in accordance with its orders, rules and regulations.
(2005 Code, § 3-215)
(B) (1) There shall be three inspections of sewer work as follows:
(a) When the sewer is laid and jointed and connected up, and before it is covered over;
(b) For the soil, waste and vent pipes in accordance with this article and applicable Plumbing Codes; and
(c) For the whole system of plumbing when completed and the water turned on.
(2) The whole system of inside drains, soil, waste and vent pipe shall be filled with water and required to stand at least 12 hours without loss of water. The Inspector shall be notified by the plumber when the work is ready for inspection and the plumber shall prepare the whole system of plumbing in such building for the Inspector to make proper tests of the same.
(2005 Code, § 3-216)
(C) No person shall, engage in or conduct the business of sewer connection and house drainage; excavate any trenches for sewer pipe; open, uncover or in any manner make connection with or lay any sewer drain; or attach to, modify or repair any appurtenances to sewer connections with any sewer in the streets or alleys or with any private sewer or drain in the city without holding a proper license for such work. This section shall not apply to persons under special contract with the city for construction, extension or repair of sewers.
(2005 Code, § 3-217)
(D) All licensed plumbers shall be held responsible for all acts of their agents or employees done by virtue of such license. Willful or ignorant mistakes of employees shall not be regarded as sufficient reasons for exonerating plumbers from a suspension of their licenses; and they will be held to a strict accountability for all errors or mistakes of their employees while in the legitimate pursuit of their occupation as plumbers.
(2005 Code, § 3-218)
(E) Applications for permits to connect with the storm drainage system, sanitary sewerage system of the city or private sewage disposal systems shall be made on the application blank by the owner of the property it is desired to drain. Applications shall be accompanied by a clear and exact description of the premises and of the character and location of the drains it is proposed to put in place together with the number and location of all water closets, sinks, bath tubs, receiving basins and other sanitary fixtures it is designed to connect with the same, which description shall be left and placed on file in the office of the Inspector for future reference.
(2005 Code, § 3-219)
(F) No house, drain, storm drain or private sewer will be allowed to be put in place, nor any of the work in connection therewith commenced or prosecuted, unless the permits granted by the city in connection therewith are in possession of the licensed plumber at the site of the proposed work, or one of his or her employees engaged thereon.
(2005 Code, § 3-220)
(G) Plumbers working under this article shall not use water from the fire hydrants, unless a special permit for the use of the same has been obtained from the Superintendent.
(2005 Code, § 3-221)