The purpose of the preliminary plat is to provide an interim step in the procedure at which point the subdivider shall present drawings of the detail features of the subdivision. It is at this point that the items discussed at the sketch plan stage and as set down herein are prepared in a form from which determinations can be made as to the technical workability of the development proposal.
   (A)   Application procedure and requirements.
      (1)   Based upon the approval of the sketch plan the subdivider may file an application for approval of a preliminary plat.
      (2)   The application shall:
         (a)   Be submitted in duplicate on forms available from the secretary of the MAPC at least 28 days before the next regular MAPC meeting at which it is to be discussed;
         (b)   Be accompanied by a minimum of ten copies of the preliminary plat as described in this chapter;
         (c)   Be accompanied by a minimum of three copies of construction plans, one of which shall be a reproducible Mylar or sepia print; and
         (d)   Be accompanied by an application fee as provided in § 159.036(F) of this chapter.
      (3)   Upon receipt of the complete application, the secretary of the MAPC should transmit copies of the plat to the Plat Review Committee and schedule a meeting between the subdivider and the Committee within 14 days. Comments and recommendations will be submitted in writing to the subdivider and the MAPC prior to the next regular meeting.
   (B)   Contents of preliminary plat.
      (1)   The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a licensed Oklahoma land surveyor at a convenient scale not more than one inch equals 100 feet, may be prepared in pen or pencil, and the sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one sheet is used. It should be noted that the map prepared for the preliminary plat may also be used for the record subdivision plat and, therefore, should be drawn on tracing cloth or reproducible Mylar; preparation in pencil will make required changes and additions easier.
      (2)   The preliminary plat shall show the following:
         (a)   The location of property with respect to surrounding property and streets, the names of all adjoining property owners of record, or the names of adjoining developments; the names of adjoining streets;
         (b)   The location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the property to be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot;
         (c)   The location of existing streets, easements, water bodies, streams and other pertinent features such as swamps, railroads, buildings, parks, cemeteries, drainage ditches, bridges, as determined by the Planning Commission;
         (d)   The location and width of all existing and proposed streets and easements, alleys and other public ways, and easements and proposed street rights-of-way and building setback lines;
         (e)   The locations and dimensions of all proposed or existing lots;
         (f)   The locations and dimensions of all property proposed to be set aside for private open space or playground use, if any, or other public or private reservation, with designation of the purpose thereof, and conditions, if any, of the dedication or reservation;
         (g)   The name and address of the owner or owners of land to be subdivided, the name and address of the subdivider, if other than the owner, and the name of the land surveyor;
         (h)   The date of the map, approximate true north point, scale and name of the subdivision;
         (i)   Sufficient data acceptable to the local government engineer to determine readily the location, bearing and length of all lines, and to reproduce such lines upon the ground; the location of all proposed monuments;
         (j)   The location and description of all section corners and permanent survey monuments in or near the tract, to at least one of which the subdivision shall be referenced;
         (k)   Names of the subdivision and all new streets as approved by the Planning Commission;
         (l)   Indication of the use of any lot (single-family, two-family, multi-family, townhouse) and all uses other than residential proposed by the subdivider;
         (m)   Blocks shall be consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical order. The blocks in numbered additions to subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered or lettered consecutively throughout the several additions; and
         (n)   All lots shall be consecutively numbered. Outlots shall be lettered in alphabetical order. If blocks are numbered or lettered, outlots shall be lettered in alphabetical order within each block.
   (C)   Contents of construction plans. The construction plans shall consist of specifications and the following sheets:
      (1)   Cover sheet showing:
         (a)   The scale, north point and date;
         (b)   The proposed name of the subdivision;
         (c)   The name and address of the owner of record, the subdivider and the engineer registered in Oklahoma preparing the plan (official seal and signature required);
         (d)   A drawing at approximate scale, one inch equals 200 feet covering the entire area of the sketch plan showing:
            1.   A complete boundary survey showing the bearings, distance, acreage and error of closure;
            2.   The proposed street and lot pattern;
            3.   The location of all major streets and utilities or extensions thereof as shown in the elements of the comprehensive plan;
            4.   Land proposed to be dedicated as private open space, if any, or reserved as schools; and
            5.   The portion of the sketch plan which will be undertaken in this construction plan; the location of adjoining unplatted land and names of owners; the names, with intersecting boundary lines, of adjoining subdivisions and the location of city limits, if falling within or adjoining the tract, and the locations of abutting improvements and utilities on adjacent land.
         (e)   A key map showing the location of the area of the sketch plan and construction plan referenced to existing or proposed major streets and to government section lines. Scale of the key map shall be not less than one inch equals 1,000 feet.
      (2)   The drainage plan sheet showing:
         (a)   The scale, north point and date;
         (b)   A drawing at approximate scale (not less than one inch equals 200 feet) covering the entire area of the sketch plan showing:
            1.   Proposed new contours for the area of the construction plan (at two- foot contour intervals);
            2.   Natural contours for the area of the development sketch which is outside the construction plan (at two-foot contour intervals);
            3.   The quantity of flow for the 100-year storm (one percent probability) under conditions of full development of the drainage basin in accordance with the land uses shown on the comprehensive plan; and
            4.   The location, size and type of facilities that will be used to handle the storm drainage in accordance with Chapter 158 of this chapter.
      (3)   The development plan sheet showing:
         (a)   The scale, north point and date;
         (b)   A drawing of the area of the construction plan at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet showing:
            1.   The proposed land contours at vertical intervals of not greater than two feet referenced to a United States survey benchmark or monument as established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or USC and GS. The location and description of construction bench marks shall be shown;
            2.   The location of existing buildings, watercourses and the location, size and types of dedicated streets, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, power and natural gas lines and other surface and subsurface structures and pipelines existing within or immediately adjacent to the subdivision. The location of all major streets or utilities or extensions thereof shown in elements of the comprehensive plan;
            3.   The length of the boundaries of the tract, drawn to scale;
            4.   The proposed location and width of the rights-of-way and pavement of the streets, sidewalks, alleys, easements (for public and/or private utilities including street lighting), lot lines, setback lines and all areas to be dedicated, all scaled to the nearest foot;
            5.   The proposed location, size and type of water mains, including the location of such other features to be installed as, but not limited to, fire hydrants, valves, pressure regulators and the like;
            6.   The proposed location, size and type of sanitary sewer mains, submains and laterals;
            7.   The location of proposed streetlights and street name signs; and
            8.   The distance from section corner or quarter section corner of major arterial streets shall be referenced by bearing and distance to one corner of the subdivision.
         (c)   All of the features shown on the preliminary plat; including, but not limited to, lot line dimensions and setback lines; shall conform to the zoning regulations as they pertain to the particular zoning districts in which the subdivision is classified; and
         (d)   The certificate of approval of the plans and specifications by the city or county health agency when individual sewage disposal devices are to be installed.
      (4)   The grading plan sheet showing:
         (a)   The scale, north point and date; and
         (b)   A drawing of the area of the preliminary plat at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet, showing:
            1.   The existing contours at vertical intervals not greater than two feet;
            2.   The proposed contours at vertical intervals not greater than two feet;
            3.   The layout of streets, easements and lots;
            4.   The minimum finished floor elevation for each lot located in a flood hazard area; and
            5.   The limits of any flood hazard area, plus the 100-year flood elevation and the method or source of calculation.
      (5)   The environmental control sheet, showing:
         (a)   The scale, north point and date; and
         (b)   A drawing of the area of the preliminary plat at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet, showing:
            1.   The streets, lots, private open space, if any, school reservations and easements proposed;
            2.   Any existing tree masses and proposed changes;
            3.   Any flood hazard areas;
            4.   Soil types and any limitations or precautions necessitated by soil conditions;
            5.   Any areas in which the grading plan calls for cuts or fills in excess of five feet; and
            6.   Measures that will be taken for the control of erosion and siltation.
      (6)   The plan/profile sheets shall show information as follows:
         (a)   All plan/profile sheets should be at a horizontal scale of one inch equals 50 feet and a vertical scale of one inch equals five feet and be drawn so as to relate the profile directly below the plan with station numbers corresponding vertically between the two. Each sheet shall show both the vertical and horizontal scale;
         (b)   Each sheet shall be dated and include north point and scale for each improvement shown. Intersections with other improvements (i.e., water and sewer crossing) shall be indicated;
         (c)   The sanitary sewer sheet shall show all trunks and laterals and such other features to be installed such as, but not limited to: manholes, lampholes and the like;
         (d)   The storm sewer sheet shall show all storm sewers, culverts and drainage structures necessary for the handling of all runoff from and through the proposed subdivision. Design shall be in accordance with Chapter 158 of this chapter, and the “q” calculations for the appropriate frequency storm and the depth at the intake of each facility to be installed shall be shown; and
         (e)   The street improvement sheet shall include all streets, sidewalks, other traffic handling facilities and water line crossings to be installed.
      (7)   Detail sheets showing standard and special details and specifications.
   (D)   Certification of design. The improvements shown on the construction plans shall be designed in accordance with the design details contained herein and/or other standards adopted by the local government. Each sheet of the preliminary plat and construction drawings shall bear the seal and signature of the engineer preparing the plat and the cover sheet shall bear the endorsement of the owner/subdivider.
   (E)   MAPC action. Action must be taken on all preliminary plats submitted to the MAPC within 45 days of the official submission date, unless the subdivider agrees in writing to additional time. Otherwise, the plat shall be deemed to have been approved; provided, however, all construction plans must be approved by the local government engineer. The MAPC may take any of the following actions.
      (1)   Approval. Upon determining that the preliminary plat is in conformance with this chapter, is consistent with the purposes and policies set forth in §§ 159.001 and 159.002 of this chapter, and is in conformance with the comprehensive plan, the MAPC shall approve the plat.
      (2)   Conditional approval. The MAPC may elect to place conditions upon the approval of a preliminary plat, and may stipulate the requirements for satisfaction of such conditions. The MAPC may approve conditionally a preliminary plat which is submitted for consideration without the full preparation of plans and profiles with such stipulations as may be necessary for the expediting of the review process, or for the assurance of adequate review of technical materials. An example of such stipulation would be the approval of a plat with the provision that plans and profiles for streets, storm drainage and sanitary sewers be completed and approved by the City Engineer prior to construction. Upon passage of a conditional approval of a preliminary plat, the MAPC shall state in writing the conditions placed on the approval and transmit them to the subdivider.
      (3)   Denial. If the MAPC denies the approval of a preliminary plat, the reasons for the denial shall be stated in writing and transmitted to the subdivider.
   (F)   Effect of approval. Upon approval or conditional approval of a preliminary plat and approval of the construction plans by the local government engineer, one set of drawings shall be endorsed by the Chairperson of the MAPC and the local government engineer and returned to the subdivider who may then proceed with installing the improvements and preparing the record plat. Such approval shall be effective for a period of two years, at the end of which time a record plat on the subdivision shall have been submitted to the governing body. Any plat not receiving final approval within the time set forth herein shall be null and void, and the developer shall be required to resubmit a new plat for preliminary approval subject to all new zoning restrictions and subdivision regulations. Provided, however, that the MAPC may extend the period of preliminary plat approval for a period of one year where substantial work has been completed or for good cause.
(Prior Code, § 11-3-4) (Ord. 594, passed 8-5-1997)