§ 159.037 SKETCH PLAN.
   The purpose of the sketch plan is to provide the subdivider, the MAPC and governing officials an opportunity to identify some of the problems concerning the land use, general design and overall approaches to installation of improvements before the expenditure of large amounts of money and manpower in the preparation of more detailed platting documents. Information contained in the sketch plan is intended for general guideline purposes. Changes may be permitted in the more detailed studies where it is demonstrated a more efficient design will result. This step in the overall subdivision process is important because it is at the initial part of the process when decisions are to be made that can have great value for the fulfillment of the comprehensive plan; or, conversely decisions wrongly made at this point can be very damaging to the fulfillment of the comprehensive plan. It is important that all of the land to be included in the proposed subdivision shall be included in the sketch plan so that an overview of the entire area can be accomplished.
   (A)   Discussion of requirements. Before preparing the sketch plan the subdivider should discuss with the secretary of the MAPC the procedure for the adoption of a subdivision plat and the requirements as to general layout of streets and for dedications of land, street improvements, drainage, sewerage, fire protection and similar matters, as well as the availability of existing services.
   (B)   Submission and content. After discussing the proposed subdivision with the Secretary of the MAPC the subdivider shall file an application for approval of a sketch plan. The application shall:
      (1)   Be made on forms available from the secretary of the MAPC and be submitted to him or her in duplicate at least 21 days before the next regular MAPC meeting at which it is to be discussed;
      (2)   Be accompanied by the filing fee as provided in § 159.036(F) of this chapter; and
      (3)   Be accompanied by a minimum of ten copies of the sketch plan which shows all of the land that is proposed to be included in this and subsequent phases of the development, all contiguous land that is in the same ownership, and all contiguous land in which the subdivider has an interest. The sketch plan shall be on a topographic map with a scale of one inch equals 200 feet with contour intervals of five feet, and show the following information:
         (a)   Proposed name of subdivision, north arrow, scale and location map;
         (b)   Areas subject to flooding;
         (c)   Soil types;
         (d)   Existing natural features such as masses of trees, streams and the like;
         (e)   Location and size of existing storm drainage facilities, major public and private utilities, and any easements on file (with citation from book and page from the County Clerk’s office, if possible);
         (f)   The general alignment of proposed streets, proposed names, how they will connect to existing streets, and the function intended for each (i.e., collector, local and the like);
         (g)   The general arrangement proposed for lots and blocks and their relationship to already developed features on adjacent lands;
         (h)   The general arrangement of proposed utility services and easements;
         (i)   The general direction that drainage of stormwater is proposed to be conducted, and what provision is anticipated to carry the water (i.e., in the streets, in drainage easements, in storm sewers and the like);
         (j)   The location of park spaces, if any; and
         (k)   The types of land use activities that will be placed in the various areas of the proposed (i.e., schools, open space, apartments, commercial, residential and the like);
   (C)   Classification and review. The secretary of the MAPC shall transmit the submittal to the Plat Review Committee and schedule a meeting with the Committee and the subdivider within 14 days. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and resolve conflicts with regulations, and to provide suggestions for improvements. The Committee shall tentatively classify the sketch layout as a “major” or “minor subdivision” as defined in § 159.021 of this chapter and submit their report and recommendations to the MAPC.
   (D)   Requirement for notice. The secretary of the MAPC shall provide for the placement of posters in visible locations on any public street adjacent to the proposed subdivision property. Such posters shall give the date on which the MAPC will first consider the proposal and shall be posted at least seven days prior to the meeting.
   (E)   Approval of sketch plan. The MAPC shall study the sketch plan and recommendations of the Plat Review Committee, and may schedule a field trip to the proposed site. The MAPC shall classify the sketch plan as a “major” or “minor subdivision” as defined in § 159.021 of this chapter. Upon determining that the proposed subdivision is consistent with the purposes and policies of this chapter, the MAPC shall approve the sketch plan. Such determination shall be made within 45 days of the official submission date or the plan shall be deemed approved. Should the MAPC deny the sketch plan, the reasons for such denial shall be stated in writing and provided to the applicant. Action on sketch plans by the governing body shall be taken within 30 days of referral by the MAPC or such plans shall be deemed approved. Approval of the sketch plan shall constitute authorization to prepare and submit a preliminary plat in the case of a major subdivision and a record plat in the case of a minor subdivision. The MAPC may require additional changes as a result of further study of the subdivision in final form.
(Prior Code, § 11-3-3) (Ord. 594, passed 8-5-1997)