(A)   Composition. A Plat Review Committee is hereby established for the purpose of providing technical review and assistance to the MAPC and governing bodies in the application of this chapter. The Committee shall be composed of the following administrative officials:
      (1)   City Clerk;
      (2)   City inspector;
      (3)   Chief of Police;
      (4)   Fire Marshal; and
      (5)   Park superintendent.
   (B)   Review and comment, other officials. Review and comment regarding plats submitted for approval shall also be solicited from the following, as appropriate:
      (1)   Superintendent of schools;
      (2)   Division manager, gas service company;
      (3)   District superintendent, public service company; and
      (4)   District conservationist, Ouachita Valley Soil Conservation District.
   (C)   Coordinator. The administrative assistant to the MAPC shall serve as coordinator.
(Prior Code, § 11-3-1) (Ord. 594, passed 8-5-1997)