(A) Supervision and control. All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for the offices, departments and agencies of the city government shall be made by the City Manager, City Council, or pursuant to authorizations granted by it, and subject to its supervision and control.
   (B)   Prior approval required. Every contract for, or purchase of, supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services for more than $25,000 shall require the prior approval of the City Council; and under no circumstances may such contract or purchase be made without first obtaining the approval of the City Manager and City Council.
   (C)   Competitive bidding procedure.
      (1)   Before the city makes any purchase of, or contract for, supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services, except as otherwise provided below, the purchasing officer shall submit to at least three persons, firms or corporations dealing in and able to supply the same, or to a smaller number if there are not three dealing in and able to supply the same, a request for quotation, or invitation to bid, and specifications, to give them opportunity to bid; or publish notice of the proposed purchase in a newspaper of general circulation within the city.
      (2)   The purchasing officer shall favor a person, firm or corporation in the city when this can be done without additional cost to the city; but the purchasing officer shall submit requests for quotation to those outside the city when this may be necessary to secure bids or to create competitive conditions, or when the purchasing officer thinks that by so doing the purchasing officer can make a saving for the city; and shall purchase from them when the purchasing officer can make a saving for the city.
      (3)   All bids shall be sealed and shall be opened in public at a designated time and place.
      (4)   The purchasing officer may repeatedly reject all bids, and again may submit to the same or other persons, firms or corporations the request for quotation, or invitation to bid, or again publish notice of the proposed purchase.
      (5)   The purchasing officer may purchase from the bidder whose bid is most advantageous to the city, considering price, quality, date of delivery and so on, and in case of a tie, may purchase from one of those tying, or may divide the purchase among those tying, always accepting the bid or bids most advantageous to the city.
(Prior Code, § 1-10-3) (Ord. 595, passed 8-19-1997; Ord. 611, passed 6-19-2001; Ord. 885, passed 12-19-2023)