§ 159.087 EASEMENTS.
   (A)   Width. Where alleys are not provided, easements not less than ten feet wide shall be provided along each real lot line. Where easements for public water or sanitary sewer utilities are required along side lot lines, they shall have a minimum width of ten feet and be located wholly within one lot.
   (B)   Utilities. When a subdivision is adjacent to unplatted land, the easements for public and private utilities shall be:
      (1)   Provided as 20 feet wide on the land being subdivided; or
      (2)   Provided as ten feet wide on the land being subdivided with an easement of ten feet wide being presented adjacent and simultaneous to the presentation of the record plat.
   (C)   Watercourse; drainage channel. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage channel or stream which drains 160 acres or more of land, there shall be provided a right-of-way or easement for drainage and public parks and public utility purposes adequate to contain all of the floodway of a 100-year maximum flood. The right-of-way or easement shall include all of the land within the subdivision that is within the floodway as established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
   (D)   Access for equipment. All drainage easements for improved channels, regardless of the size of the drainage basin, shall be of such dimension as is necessary to include the full width of the drainageway with the provision of a level area alongside of at least ten feet in width to provide access for equipment necessary for construction, cleaning and maintaining of the drainageway.
   (E)   Obstructions prohibited. No obstructions, including fences, shall be permitted in easements required for surface drainage.
(Prior Code, § 11-6-3) (Ord. 594, passed 8-5-1997)