(A)   Drilling near church, school. No well shall be drilled within a distance of 500 feet of any church building, school building, hospital or other public building, without the express written consent of the governing body of such church, school, hospital or other public property and no tanks, wells, pipelines, pits, tools, equipment or any other accessories shall be located on any church property, school property, hospital property or other public property without the express written consent of the governing body of such church, school or other public property.
   (B)   Construction of derricks. All derricks used in drilling for oil or gas, as contemplated under this chapter, shall be of steel construction on a foundation of concrete, and shall be braced by guy wires or cables running from near the top of the derrick to concrete ground moorings.
   (C)   Preventing escape of gas. Separators or other devices shall be used at each producing well to prevent spraying of oil or gas. No gas shall be permitted to escape but shall be kept under control as defined hereinafter.
   (D)   Construction of buildings. Any buildings, either to be used temporarily during the drilling of a well or for permanent construction during the operation of any well, shall be constructed of noncombustible materials, and the details for the location and construction of such buildings shall be according to rules and regulations established by the Board of Control.
   (E)   Removal, burning or drainage of waste.
      (1)   After the drilling of any well, all waste shall be removed from the premises, and the ground shall be leveled as before drilling; and any well that proves to be a producer shall be surrounded by a substantial fence, as provided by the rules established by the Board of Control.
      (2)   No base sediment, refuse or waste substances shall be burned within the city but must be carried off or disposed of outside of the city.
      (3)   No waste from any drilling or producing well shall be allowed to drain into any sewer, or open water drainage ditch, or on any street, alley or gutter within the city.
   (F)   Electric motors used in pumping wells. In the production of any well inside of the city limits, only electric motors may be used in the pumping of such wells.
   (G)   Encasement of salt water disposal well. If any salt water disposal well is used for the disposal of salt water, such well shall be encased from the surface of the ground to a depth of 250 feet in such a manner as to prevent the salt water from contaminating any fresh water to such depth.
(Prior Code, § 9-10-7)