(A)   Board created; authority. There is hereby created what is hereby designated as a Board of Control to be composed of the Mayor, Chief of the Fire Department and city inspector. This Board of Control is hereby given authority to promulgate rules and regulations to augment this chapter relating to proper drilling and operation of oil and gas wells, and to more fully supplement and carry out the performance of this chapter. Such rules and regulations shall not be binding on any drilling or operating well within the limits of the city until a copy has been furnished to such owner or his or her agent. However such rules and regulations, when established, and served on the owner of any well or his or her agent, shall be binding upon same.
   (B)   Rules and regulations. The following are rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Control.
      (1)   Any oil pipeline company desiring to transport and convey oil from any producing oil well within the limits of the city shall pay to the city the sum of $0.50 per rod for laying a pipeline within the corporate limits of the city, same to be paid before permit is issued.
      (2)   No blacktop or paving shall be cut in laying pipeline, but in crossing any improved street, such improved pavement shall be drilled underneath.
      (3)   All pipeline laid within the city shall be laid in the alleys, except when necessary to cross a street, and shall be buried 18 inches below the bar ditch level. This means that the top of the pipe shall be 18 inches below the bar ditch level.
      (4)   The pipe shall be laid in the alley near the edge of the alley and the loose dirt shall be packed so that city sanitary trucks in using the alley will not get stuck.
      (5)   If necessary to lay any oil pipeline along any street, the same shall be laid in the parking lane, and the top of the casing shall be buried 12 inches below ground level. Shade trees shall not be cut or removed in laying such pipeline without the written consent of the owner of adjacent property.
      (6)   Any damages committed to other easement owners, or to any city property, or private property shall be paid for by the pipeline company.
      (7)   If any pipeline breaks causing a leakage of oil into the ground, it shall not be allowed to escape into any of the drainage ditches, waterways or sewers within the city limits but shall be hauled off and deposited outside of the city.
      (8)   Any pipeline to be laid through any of the public parks belonging to the city or across any school property shall require a special permit from the governing body having the control of such property.
      (9)   When any pipeline is removed, the pipeline company shall refill the ditch, and pack it, and shall leave all ground level as before. The pipeline company, while in the process of removing any lines, shall pay all damages arising from the removal of same, whether the damages have been suffered by the city or by other easement holders, or by private individuals.
(Prior Code, § 9-10-2)