(A)   Legislative intent. It is hereby declared the legislative intent of the Mayor and City Council that in the event of an attack upon the United States of America of such degree of destructiveness that the duly elected officials of the city are unable or unavailable to act, or in the event of a civil disaster affecting the city to the same extent, then a procedure for interim successors to so act should be established.
   (B)   Inability of Mayor to act. In the event of the absence or disability of the Mayor to carry out his or her duties, then such duties shall be succeeded to by the President of the Council.
   (C)   Service of Council members. In the event of the unavailability and absence of both the Mayor and President of the Council, then the successor shall be the individual members of the Council in order of the wards which they represent, with the Council member currently holding the longer term to take precedence.
   (D)   Unavailability of Mayor and Council. In the event of the unavailability of the Mayor and all members of the Council, then a meeting of at least 20 qualified voting citizens of the city shall take place at the Council chamber as soon as possible after the disaster, at which an interim Mayor and Council shall be elected from among those available for service.
   (E)   Term of emergency interim successor. The authority of an emergency interim successor shall cease:
      (1)   When the incumbent of the office, or an interim successor higher in designation becomes available to exercise the powers; or
      (2)   When a successor to the office has been duly elected or appointed and has qualified according to law.
   (F)   Emergency powers granted to Mayor and Council. During any disaster as hereinabove defined, the Mayor and Council shall have all necessary emergency powers to care for the citizens of the city, and for the maintenance of any refugees or displaced persons.
   (G)   Fiscal limitations waived during emergency. During such emergency, the normal fiscal limitations on contracting, purchasing and obtaining bids shall be suspended and the Mayor and Council shall have all necessary authority to purchase such supplies as necessary or to utilize private property to the extent commensurate with the needs of the community.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-7)