(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      SECONDHAND DEALER. Any person engaged in buying, or receiving, any secondhand goods, wares and merchandise for the purpose of selling the same.
      SECONDHAND GOODS. Includes any and all goods which have been used however slightly or have been sold by a regular established merchant and are now offered for sale by any person engaged in a merchandising business and who carries in his or her stock of merchandise goods of the same character for sale out of the stock.
   (B)   Register of goods.
      (1)   Required. It is the duty of each and every secondhand dealer to keep a register of all goods and wares and merchandise which he or she buys or receives from any source except a regular established merchant and to enter into the secondhand register, the date, the items, and the person from whom bought or received for all secondhand goods and wares and merchandise. The register shall further show the street address and residence of all such persons.
      (2)   Open to inspection. The secondhand register shall at all times be subject to the inspection of any police officer of the city.
   (C)   Report suspicious persons. It is the duty of any secondhand dealer to report to the police any person who offers to sell any merchandise under such circumstances as to put him or her on inquiry as to whether such person is the true and lawful owner and has the lawful right to make such sale or delivery.
(Prior Code, § 3-10-3)