(A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      JUNKYARD or SALVAGE YARD. Any place where scrap iron, other metal or any material is salvaged, traded for, bought or acquired for the purpose of resale.
   (B)   Prohibited in residential district. No junkyard or salvage yard shall be permitted in the residential district of the city. For the purpose of this section, a RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT is any block in which is located three or more houses or buildings erected for residential purposes.
   (C)   Fence or wall. Where permitted, the operator of any junkyard or salvage yard shall build a substantial fence (non-see-through) or wall entirely around the premises out of new materials, the same to be in a good and safe condition and not less than seven feet high.
   (D)   License fee; register required. Each junk or salvage yard operator shall pay an annual license tax of $50 per year and maintain a register of all properties or parts of properties which are received by him or her, showing from whom acquired, the date and the nature of such substance, and the weight.
(Prior Code, § 3-10-2)