(A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      AUTOMOBILE SALVAGE SHOP. A place where motor vehicles of any and all kinds, or parts thereof, are brought for the purpose of wrecking, disassembling and salvaging the parts taken therefrom for the purpose of resale as secondhand parts.
   (B)   Compliance with provisions. It is an offense for any person to own, maintain or operate for himself or herself or for another any automobile salvage shop except as herein provided.
   (C)   Operation requirements.
      (1)   Fence or wall. No person shall maintain, operate for himself or herself or for another any automobile salvage shop at any place within the city except in a building or on a lot or lots which are wholly surrounded by at least a seven foot fence (non-see-through) or wall.
      (2)   Vehicles prohibited on street. It is unlawful for any person engaged in the operation of any automobile salvage shop to permit any vehicle which has been acquired for the purpose of wrecking the same to remain on the street or alley adjoining his or her premises, or any parts taken from the same.
   (D)   License fee. Each automobile salvage shop shall pay a license fee in the amount of $100 per year.
   (E)   Register of vehicles and owners.
      (1)   Required. It is the duty of the owner or operator of each and every automobile salvage shop to keep a register in which he or she shall enter the name of each person who sells or delivers to him or her any motor vehicle or any part thereof, together with the date, vendor’s residence and street address, the automobile license number assigned by the state, and the style, brand, make and model of each vehicle.
      (2)   Open to inspection. The register herein required shall be at all times subject to the inspection by the police authorities without notice, and any inaccuracies or incomplete or fraudulent entries as herein required shall be sufficient grounds to revoke the license required for same.
(Prior Code, § 3-10-1) Penalty, see § 10.99