(A)   Causes for suspension or revocation. The permit of any private security officer or the license of any private security company may be suspended or revoked at any time for:
      (1)   Violation of any of the requirements necessary for a license or permit;
      (2)   Violation of any rule or regulation established pursuant to this chapter;
      (3)   Committing any act while the license or permit was not in effect which would have been cause for the revocation or denial of a license or permit; or
      (4)   Conviction of a felony or for conviction of a misdemeanor if the conviction reflects unfavorably on the ability of a person to engage in security company work.
   (B)   Hearing. Upon occurrence of a violation, a revocation or suspension hearing will be conducted by a three-member board consisting of: the Chief of Police or representative, the Mayor or representative, and the city attorney. The city shall give the private security officer or private security company notice of any suspension or revocation hearing at least five days prior to the date of public hearing, and such notice shall be furnished by mail.
(Prior Code, § 3-9-15) (Ord. 554, passed 6-18-1985)