(A)   Taxes levied. There is hereby assessed and levied a license tax on each and every peddler who shall engage in the occupation of peddling within the city, the amount of which is as follows, respectively:
License Tax
Peddlers of secondhand automobiles
Per day
Peddlers, selling or distributing any goods, wares and merchandise in carload lots or fractional parts thereof, at wholesale or retail, from car, per car
Per day
Peddlers with vehicles, other than meat, except as herein provided
Per day
Peddlers without vehicles, except as otherwise provided
Per day
Traveling photographers and vendors of pictures
Per day
   (B)   Compliance with regulations. All licenses issued for peddlers shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and shall not be construed to permit any peddling contrary to any expressed provision of any ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 3-6-3)