(A)   Application. Any person desiring to operate or conduct a public pool or billiard hall, room or table in the city may make application in writing to the Mayor and City Council, verified by oath of the applicant, and file the same with the City Clerk. The application shall be in the form and contain the facts as stated in this subchapter.
   (B)   Qualifications of applicant. An applicant shall be a person of good moral character.
   (C)   Conditions. The applicant shall state in writing that he or she will strictly obey all laws of the state and all provisions and regulations of the city relating to the conduct or operation of public pool or billiard houses or halls of the city; that he or she will permit no violations of the provisions of this chapter in such pool or billiard hall or place, and at all times will conduct an orderly and lawful business as herein provided.
   (D)   License issuance. Upon approval of application by the City Council, the license shall be issued by the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 3-5-2)