(A)   Permit fees. The payment schedule, late fees and enforcement for permit fees will occur as listed.
      (1)   A permit fee will be paid before the initial permit is issued.
      (2)   A permit fee will be due every year on January 1 until the expiration date of the permit.
      (3)   A permit fee that has not been received by January 31 will receive a notice of violation and a late fee of one-half the amount of the permit fee.
      (4)   A permit fee that has not been received by February 28 will receive a final notice of violation and a late fee equivalent of the permit fee. In this notice will be the final due date which will be March 14.
      (5)   If the permit fee has not been received by March 14 then the permit will be terminated.
      (6)   To receive a new permit, the generator or transporter will be required to reapply.
      (7)   A new permit will not be issued until all previous fees have been paid.
      (8)   A facility or transporter operating without a permit will be in violation. This will be reason for termination of water and sewer service.
   (B)   Surcharge fee due date. The payment schedule, late fees and enforcement for surcharge fees will occur as listed.
      (1)   The surcharge fee will be due on the fifteenth of each month.
      (2)   If a surcharge fee has not been received by the fifteenth of the next month a notice of violation will be issued along with a late fee of $25.
      (3)   If a payment has not been received on the fifteenth of the second month a second notice of violation will be issued along with a late fee of $50 in addition to the first late fee.
      (4)   If the payment has not been received within 15 days after the second notice of violation, the permit will be terminated.
      (5)   The facility will then be required to apply for a new permit.
      (6)   A new permit will not be issued until all previous surcharge fees, new permit fees and late fees are paid.
      (7)   A facility or transporter operating without a permit will be in violation and will be fined up to $200. Each day on which a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
   (C)   Refusal to pay fines and penalties. A refusal from a permit holder to pay a fine or comply with any of the city sewer ordinances or resolutions will be a violation and will subject the facility to termination of water and sewer service, in addition to other fines and penalties as may be provided by city ordinances.
   (D)   Recovery of costs incurred.
      (1)   Any permit holder violating any of the provisions of an issued permit or any other city ordinances or resolutions, causing damage to, or inhibiting the city wastewater disposal system shall be liable to the city for any expense, loss or damage caused by such violation discharge.
      (2)   The city will bill the permit holder for the costs incurred by the city for any cleaning, repair, or replacement work caused by the violation.
      (3)   Refusal to pay the assessed costs shall be cause for termination of water and sewer service.
   (E)   Authority. The Mayor shall have the authority to refuse any wastewater from any generator that does not comply with any of the city water and sewer ordinances and to terminate water and sewer services.
(Prior Code, § 4-12-13) (Ord. 621, passed 11-7-2006)