A surcharge fee of $500 will be charged for any sample that is between 200 milligrams per liter and 300 milligrams per liter. A fee of $500, plus $1 per pound, will be charged for any sample over 300 milligrams per liter (300 mg/l). The following formula will be used to determine the pounds of FOGs: Average monthly water usage x mg/l (over 300 mg/l) x 8.34 lbs/gal = lbs of FOGs x $1.00 per pound. This fee will be established to recover the cost of the wastewater treatment plant to remove FOGs from the wastewater. The amount of FOGs being discharged into the POTW by a facility will be determined by sampling the discharge of the facility and having the sample analyzed for the amounts of FOGs. Samples will be taken from the facility at the discretion of the enforcement officer. An additional sample may be requested by the facility, but that facility will be responsible for the cost of any additional analysis and sampling requested.
(Prior Code, § 4-12-11) (Ord. 621, passed 11-7-2006)