(A)   Maintenance. It is the responsibility of the owner, occupant and user of every facility to properly maintain, operate and clean the required grease interceptor. This includes the complete removal or pumping of all liquids, sludge, solids and wastewater on the surface and the bottom of the grease interceptor. Generators shall not be allowed to decant or pump the supernatant or liquid fraction back into the grease interceptor for purposes of reducing the volume of waste to be disposed. The facility shall only be allowed to use the transporters that have been permitted by the city. A list of these transporters may be obtained from the enforcement officer. Grease interceptors will be emptied as often as needed, but a minimum of once every three months. If the enforcement officer inspects the generator, and determines that the grease interceptor or trap needs to be cleaned, then the generator shall be required to clean it immediately.
   (B)   Maintenance log and reporting. All facilities with a grease interceptor shall maintain a current maintenance log for the preceding 12-month period. The facility will retain this log for a minimum of three years. This log will be available in a conspicuous location for inspection and will be immediately provided to a representative of the city who may be performing such inspections. The reporting date will be from January 1 through December 31. The facility will be required to send a copy of the maintenance log to the enforcement officer at the end of the reporting year. The enforcement officer must receive this copy no later than January 31 for the previous year.
(Prior Code, § 4-12-8) (Ord. 621, passed 11-7-2006)