(A)   Sewer use fee. For the purpose of providing funds for the maintenance of the sanitary sewer system of the city and for other purposes, there shall be a system of fees and charges for the use of the sanitary sewer system of the city as established by motion or resolution of the City Council. In addition, those fees and charges currently in force in the city shall remain in force until changed by motion, resolution or ordinance of the City Council.
   (B)   Collection. The fee for the use of the sanitary sewers shall be billed to each user monthly, along with the bill for water and other services, and the city is directed not to accept payment of the water bill unless such payment is accompanied by the sewer use fee.
   (C)   Determination of charge. It being impractical, in most instances, to meter the amount of sewage disposed of through the sanitary sewer system for commercial users, the amount of sewage disposed of shall be prima facie the amount of water metered to such commercial users, less such amount of water as such user may show is consumed and not deposited into the sanitary sewer system, and plus any amount of water deposited in the sanitary sewer, either not metered, or derived from sources other than the city water system.
   (D)   Disposition of funds. The funds derived from such fees shall be deposited in the general revenues of the city, to be used for the upkeep, maintenance, extension, and repair of the sanitary sewer system, and for such other uses as the City Council may deem fit.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-4)