§ 51.14 WATER WELLS.
   (A)   Drilling permit. Any person wishing to drill a water well within the city limits must secure a drilling permit at the office of the City Clerk. The fee for such drilling permit shall be as set by resolution or motion of the Council.
   (B)   Registration of wells. All water wells within the city limits must be registered at the office of the City Clerk.
   (C)   Location restriction. No water well, lines, connections, tanks or related equipment used in the procurement of water from the wells will be located within 500 feet of water lines or equipment used in the distribution of water from the city water system. Preexisting water wells are grandfathered, effective November 1, 2003.
   (D)   Fee for reconnecting to water system. A fee will be paid for reconnecting to the city water system (once a disconnect has been made) in accordance with § 51.07(B) of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 8-2-14)