§ 38.11 ARRESTS; BAIL.
   (A)   Summons for arrest.
      (1)   Upon the filing of a complaint charging violation of any ordinance, the judge, unless he or she determines to issue a warrant of arrest, or unless the defendant previously has been issued a citation or has been arrested and has given bond for appearance, shall issue a summons, naming the person charged, specifying his or her address or place of residence, if known, stating the offense with which he or she is charged and giving him or her notice to answer the charge in the court on a certain day, five days (Sundays and holidays excepted) after the summons is served upon him or her, and including such other pertinent information as may be necessary.
      (2)   The summons shall be served by delivering a copy to the defendant personally. If he or she fails to appear and to answer the summons within the prescribed period, a warrant shall be issued for his or her arrest, as provided by this chapter.
   (B)   Form of arrest warrant.
      (1)   Except as otherwise provided in the ordinances of the city, upon the filing of a complaint approved by the endorsement of the attorney of the city or by the judge, there shall be issued a warrant of arrest, in substantially the following form:
The City of Holdenville, Oklahoma, to the Chief of Police of the Municipal Court of Holdenville, Oklahoma.
Complaint upon oath having this day been made by (naming complainant) that the offense of (naming the offense in particular but general terms) has been committed and accusing (name of defendant) thereof, you are commanded therefor forthwith to arrest the above named defendant and bring                                before me, at the municipal courtroom,
Witness my hand this        day of              , 20     .
         Judge of the Municipal Court
         Holdenville, Oklahoma
      (2)   It is the duty of the Police Chief, personally, or through a duly constituted member of the police force of the city, or through any other person lawfully authorized so to act, to execute a warrant as promptly as possible.
   (C)   Procedures for bail or bond. Upon arrest, or upon appearance without arrest in response to citation or summons, or at any time before trial, before or after arraignment, the defendant shall be eligible to be released upon giving bail for his or her appearance in an amount and upon conditions fixed by this chapter or the judge, who shall prescribe appropriate rules of court for the receipt of bail. In case of arrests made at night or under other conditions of emergency or when the judge is not available, the rules shall authorize the Chief of Police, or his or her designated representative, to accept a temporary cash bond of not less than $10 nor more than the maximum monetary penalty provided by ordinance for the offense charged.
(Prior Code, § 1-11-11)