Persons who fail to comply with the below listed standards shall be subject to a fine of $200 for each violation of this section, after notification by the town.
   (A)   Landscape easements. Owners, of property that is identified by the town as having special topographic drainage characteristics, shall be asked by the town to consider granting a five-foot easement along property lines, where grass swales could be constructed (by the town) to direct the flow of surface water runoff. Grass swales shall be designed in accordance with the State Best Management Practices (BMPs). If such easements are granted, thus granting the town access to work on private property, the town would maintain the drainage pattern as it so determines.
   (B)   No landscaping, using impervious materials such as solid plastic and vinyl, will be permitted. Property owners should remove any such materials installed before the effective date of this chapter.
   (C)   Yard wastes, including dredge spoil, leaves, and yard trimmings, may not be deposited into drainage structures.   Acceptable management practices for yard wastes include composting and land-filling.
   (D)   Septic systems should be maintained by the property owner on a regular basis according to county regulations to prevent contaminated wastewater from discharging to surface waters. In order to correct contaminated discharges, the town may remove the water meter from the property of the septic system violation until such time as violation is corrected.
   (E)   Hazardous compounds must not be discharged into a septic system. Such compounds include but are not limited to paint, paint thinner, solvents, pesticides, and petroleum products. It is undesirable to directly or indirectly place or discharge into surface and subsurface water drainage systems materials or liquids that could potentially degrade surface or subsurface water quality, restrict the flow of water in those systems, contribute to soil pollution on the island, or create soil erosion. The following are specifically prohibited to be placed or discharged (directly or indirectly) into surface and subsurface water systems:
         (1)   Sewage or other household wastewater, including that associated with temporary portable toilets.
         (2)   Water flowing from leaking water lines and lawn sprinkler systems, resulting in soil erosion.
         (3)   Petroleum products such as used motor oil, paint, solvents and gasoline.
         (4)   Commercial and household solid waste (garbage/trash).
(Ord. 98-09, passed 5-28-98; Am. Ord. 99-18, passed 9-13-99)