(A)   Danger to life and property. Land which has been determined by the Town Board of Commissioners on the basis of engineering or other expert surveys to pose an ascertainable danger to life or property by reason of its unsuitability for the use proposed shall not be platted for that purpose, unless and until the subdivider has taken the necessary measures to correct said conditions and to eliminate said dangers.
   (B)   Prevention of flood damage. Lands subject to flooding from rivers or storms as defined and mapped by the Federal Insurance Administration shall be so identified on the preliminary plat. Development of any of these areas so identified and any deed restrictions shall be in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 24, Chapter X, Federal Insurance Administration, § 1910.3. Appropriate deed restrictions shall be filed for those lands subject to flooding, prohibiting their development for dwellings, or other use unless the sites are flood-proofed as follows:
      (1)   No structure or fill shall be placed in the floodway which would interfere with the natural water course.
      (2)   Streets and utility lines and structures may be placed within the flood plain only if their elevation is raised above maximum flood heights or they are otherwise floodproofed.
      (3)   Dwellings and self-contained sewage disposal units (if used) shall be built at an elevation above maximum flood heights.
      (4)   The subdivision drainage system shall be designed to prevent increased flood flows due to newly impervious surfaces and other factors.
   (C)   CAMA requirements. All lots, structures and utilities shall comply with the applicable Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) Standards, as amended, in accordance with the State Guidelines for AECs (15 NCAC 7H) pursuant to the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974.
(Ord. 98-19, passed 9-28-98)